Johannes Kratz Joins Department Faculty and Thoracic Oncology Program

The Department of Surgery welcomes Johannes R. Kratz, M.D. to the faculty as Assistant Professor in the Division of Adult Cardiothoracic Surgery and member of the Thoracic Oncology Program.
Dr. Kratz was a surgical research fellow in the UCSF Thoracic Oncology Laboratory from 2008-2011 where he played a key role in the research leading to the development of a prognostic assay for early-stage lung cancer by a team led by David M. Jablons, M.D. and Michael Mann, M.D., a test now in widespread clinical use. He returned to UCSF in 2014, completing his advanced training as a clinical fellow in thoracic surgery in June 2017.
Dr. Kratz was recently honored with the 2017 UCSF Health Exceptional Physician Award for service during the last year of his clinical fellowship, among 8 winners out of 61 nominees, notably the only clinical fellow at UCSF to receive the award in 2017, and one of only two winners not on the faculty.